jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010

The brief on what summative evaluations are

  • Evaluation is a collection of activities for can konow if the student  acquired konowledge.
  • Summative evaluation is a mean to measure, at a particular point in time, student learning relative to content standards.
  • Summative evaluation are tools to help measure the effectiveness of programs, school improvement goals, alignment of curriculum, or student placement in specific programs.
  • Assessment in education is the process of gathering, interpreting, recording and using information about pupils´ responses to an educational task.

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

The Brief on What a Portafolio is

  • We can think of  a portfolio as a kind of scrapbook or photo album that record the progress and activities of the program.
  • Portfolio is a way to examine and measure progress by documenting the progress of learning.
  • Each student has to clear her or his individual needs and goals.
  • The portfolio is the way where the students can show what they know and can do.
  • Information is collected from various sources, through multiple methods, contents of portfolio can include drawings, photos, video, audio tape, writing o other work samples, computer disks and copies of standardized or program-specific tests.

My Testing Goals

Through the activities that I will go to present in this blog, I would like that my students, can understand my teaching philosophy, and that they can understand the different ways of evaluation, in special the differents skills that are present in this portafolio (writting, listening, reading, speaking), also I would like that they can understand my perspective of assessment, and what kind of actitivities I will do.
The goals of this online portafolio, are that my students learn something about my method of theaching, and that can a helpful medio of learn, with a responsible use of this.
Other goal is promote the use of internet, and the good use of the tecnology. I would like that they have a costumes of work with this new tool and work in this every day with motivation and happiness.
Finally with my blog I would like change the test by formative assessment, because the students can show me they can be responsible, and constant in the blogwork, if they see all days their blog and post, and work constantly, they would obtain a good final result.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

My teaching philosophy

I am studying for be teacher because my mother is teacher and always I have wanted to be like her.
I like teaching, I like form people with values, personal identity, with a form criterion, thinking people, I would like form people that have voice, that tell me all their doubt, and that they can express their feeling, thinking, also I would like, the students do not think and do not learn only for a number, also for know more about something, for learn english, for learn a new culture, because learning a new language, we form part of a new cultute, with all its implication.
I do not know who I will teach english, really  I do not know what method I will use and what techniques I will use, but I am sure that I will trait to give the best of me for can guide to the students to the correct answers and all the needs that they can have.