viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

My Testing Goals

Through the activities that I will go to present in this blog, I would like that my students, can understand my teaching philosophy, and that they can understand the different ways of evaluation, in special the differents skills that are present in this portafolio (writting, listening, reading, speaking), also I would like that they can understand my perspective of assessment, and what kind of actitivities I will do.
The goals of this online portafolio, are that my students learn something about my method of theaching, and that can a helpful medio of learn, with a responsible use of this.
Other goal is promote the use of internet, and the good use of the tecnology. I would like that they have a costumes of work with this new tool and work in this every day with motivation and happiness.
Finally with my blog I would like change the test by formative assessment, because the students can show me they can be responsible, and constant in the blogwork, if they see all days their blog and post, and work constantly, they would obtain a good final result.

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